US Must Change Free-Trade Mindset - Breitbart

tpreitzel Fri, 05/10/2019 - 12:48

Documentary podcast Red Pilled America host Patrick Courrielche says the United States must change its “mindset” on free trade and instead return to policies that boost American manufacturing rather than enabling the outsourcing of U.S. jobs.

During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, Courrielche said the U.S. has traded in manufacturing products for cheaper foreign goods, a move that should be reversed.

Courrielche said, “Our mindset has to change about this. Our complete mindset has to change because we don’t value manufacturing in the United States, here, anymore. We don’t have shop, we don’t have woodshop in high schools anymore, we don’t have sewing classes in high schools anymore. We basically said, ‘You know what, China’s going to be our default creator of this stuff. That’s dirty work. We don’t need that here in the United States.'” [Emphasis added

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tpreitzel's picture

Absolutely along with the corporate "cheap" labor mindset  .... These international corporations MUST be brought under stricter control. The founders intended for trade to be primarily among the states of the union, NOT the cosmos as desired by internationalists in the Chamber of Commerce. With "free" trade comes all kinds of international baggage like slave labor "migrants" and their diseases and incompatible cultures. The price for national sovereignty or the very existence of the United States itself is hgher prices for consumer goods. We either pay the price or lose the country.