Trump Calls Out George Soros In New Ad

VR Thu, 03/17/2016 - 23:24
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All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason. Immanuel Kant
TrumpetRoyale's picture

Plain and simple. Political operatives like karl rove and henry kissinger [losers in the lowest degree] work years in advance to react to what the populace is feeling and thinking. They may have been caught off guard with Ron Paul in 2008 [they thought he and his ideas would disappear, they were wrong about that] but they have been working overtime in all directions to install their next puppet. Trump is a sideshow clown and he is told what to say. He speaks to the marginalized populace that wants government out of their lives. The NWO new this day would come and they've been planning for years how to combat it. Enter puppet Trump. He will speak to the the marginalized just as the other puppet politicians do. He is set up as the renegade within the GOP. But do you really think its for real? Of course not. The candidates who truly go against the machine are the marginalized and discredited. Are we not tired of this circus? Alex Jones sleeps with Henry Kissinger, George and Jeb, Obama, and the rest of the fascist so called elite. They are only elite though, if you believe its true. They are not elite in my eyes. They are bottom of the barrel, losers. And I mean that in the worst possible way. I pray for their salvation, but also for their destruction if they do not change their ways.

In a truly free constitutional republic they would be tried for high treason. None the less we must play this little phony game and act like we have a free country. Did you know that this message I am writing here is being tracked and watched? They are all over this. And they plan their next moves based [somewhat] on what we say here publicly [and privately]. I put no confidence in man, but in God who is able to deliver the soul from perdition [eternal punishment]. I do not deserve life but I get much more in abundance and I rely on my protector [no, not you nsa, cia, government, police, etc].

From the Bible
"Do not fear the one who can kill the body, but fear the one that, after the body is dead, can cast the soul into hell [God]."

The globalists do not fear God. And though not perfectly, I do fear God so I do not fear the globalists. The God of the universe and the author of all life is infinitely more powerful than all the labor and conjuring of the global "elite".

True, they feel powerful now, but no one has crossed the threshold of death and come back to say there is no God, ruler, judge. When they die, they will face the author of all life and they cannot cross back to this life-it is over. It is appointed once for man to die and then be judged. All men, and women, including the globalist power centers-all humans. This is both scary and amazing-for the one who inherits eternal life [invitation is open to all humans] it is peace,rest.. to the one who inherits eternal death, separation from God [it is our choice] there is anguish and restlessness-forever. I hope and pray that those evil men and women involved in the NWO will wake from their stupor, for many of them the 11th hour has arrived and the time is at hand. Once they cross from this life to the next there is no turning back.

"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God"
"God will not be mocked"
"Vengeance is mine says the Lord"

Let us lift our hearts to the highest levels, ask God to heal us and our land.

The Pen's picture

a non-politician holding the presidential seat, but Trump is anything but a non-politician. He is running for high office, therefore a politician by definition:




1.a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.

synonyms: legislator · elected official · statesman · stateswoman ·

"especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office" -

I am however against the masquerade where ever-changing faces change nothing. Trump considers beheadings as tortures in need of reviving. Think about that.

Patriots Unite!