Phil Robertson: America Has to Be Godly Again to Be Great Again

JD Tue, 02/05/2019 - 09:15
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"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington"– Ron Paul


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Oh, another vain attempt by man to EARN God's blessing... Have you ever wondered about the apparently schizophrenic nature of most of the Apostles, especially Paul? Because those Apostles were TRANSITIONING from works to Grace, but never quite completed the transition in the flesh which is typical of humanity. Redeemed humans, i.e Christians, DESIRE to do what's right, but can't achieve it in the flesh despite some passages in scripture which are superficially mis-interpreted. If you can do all things through Jesus who enables you, then walk on water, my man. Just remember that testing God might prove fatal. ;) I'd recommend simply trusting Jesus as Lord to guide you through this fallen world and try not to be PRETENTIOUS. You're a sinner saved by Grace and NOT ONE THING more. It's ENTIRELY the responsibility of God to save and keep you. Learn to trust. Turn OFF the preachers while opening the Holy Bible. God will do the rest.

Since the CLOSURE of canon, humans would be well-served to stop gathering together in institutions while listening to an interpreter, i.e. indoctrinated preacher, and start gathering together in private while reading the closed canon for themselves. Paul's admonition for Christians to gather in a FORMAL setting went the way of the dinosaur after the closure and public availability of canon as Christians could READ it for themselves rather than hearing it through an interpreter in some formal setting.  The problem with Christian institutions today is precisely their institutionalization.