Most Peole Are Good

StandUp4Liberty Wed, 01/23/2019 - 07:55


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About the author
"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."
StandUp4Liberty's picture


"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."

StandUp4Liberty's picture

Yes, there are lot of sheeple idiots out there; however, just because someone is not awake as many of us does not make them bad people. Due to the liberal left mainstream media mob, the radical left has a much bigger voice than the rest of us. This makes their numbers and views appear much lager than they really are. Many good conservative people have misplaced patriotism and support the false war on terrorism. This doesn't necessarily make them bad people, just misinformed. I believe most people are good, and given the opportunity with the right information make good decisions.

"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."

learnfromfounders's picture

Sorry ..Most People are Idiots.

pawnstorm12's picture


Led around as if they had rings in their noses and corralled into indoctrination, ignorance and apathy by their bloated central-government-run schools, media outlets and entertainment complexes.

"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxed and over-regulated and overrun by bureaucrats - the founders would be ashamed." -Ron Paul

Libera_me's picture

They are straying sheep, each turning to his or her own way.....(Isaiah 53)

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9