What is your "Social Credit?" Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship. How long before it's here, or is it?

StandUp4Liberty Fri, 09/28/2018 - 09:19

China is marrying Big Brother to Big Data. Every citizen will be watched and their behaviour scored in the most ambitious and sophisticated system of social control in history.

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"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."
tpreitzel's picture



Global connectivity through an electronic network will OBVIOUSLY lead to digital money and global control. Solution: STOP using an electronic network and digital money. The WWW was EXPRESSIVELY created for commerce, i.e. digital currency, and those gullible souls using it will eventually PAY the ultimate price when biometric identification is required for accessing this electronic network. I just have to laugh. I've repeated this OBVIOUS consequence so many times that even morons should be able to grasp its reality.


If one is so foolish to have personal access to the SpyNet at home, then forgo PERSISTENT connectivity at the very least. Use TEMPORARY connectivity, i.e. some form of intermittent connectivity, e.g. dial-up. Personally, I no longer have access to the Spynet at home and feel quite secure personally. Selective censorship and social scores based on electronic databases don't directly affect me because I'm rarely connected for monitoring. Hence, I'm not really concerned about such issues. I'm free.