What is Trump?

Ron Aldof Sat, 02/20/2016 - 23:04
A Statist
14% (6 votes)
A Fascist
21% (9 votes)
A Republican
2% (1 vote)
A Socialist
0% (0 votes)
A Neocon/Democrat
10% (4 votes)
A Populist
52% (22 votes)
Total votes: 42

What term best describes Trump.

Ron Aldof's picture
About the author
#IStandWithRandAndLiberty! Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom. Trump is working with the Establishment.


free_your_mind's picture

I would like to suggest that only The Donald himself knows what political label to attach to himself, if any at all.


Zagabe's picture

The next president. Couldn't Resist.


ecard71's picture

In more ways than one.


VR's picture

That covers all the listed options

All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.
Immanuel Kant

just-here-being-me's picture

Trump allegedly represents the soul of statism. He's using a wave of emotions to fuel his fascist agenda. Most people that I know base their entire thought process purely on emotion and knee jerk reaction. No room for facts, just emotion. I pity these people and accept their ignorance. It's not entirely their fault. They've been bombarded with propaganda since the day they were born. Endless conditioning to worship "the state". Once you realize this it's your job to change it in a positive way. And speak about it positively. Be open minded and love, it goes a long way.

"I smoke out of spite" - Bill Hicks

BaneMaler's picture

driven completely by emotion rather than their counterpart in the conservative opposition which often claims facts and truth. All along these people were needing someone harnessing their emotional tendancies on the right to prove that this is not so.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

just-here-being-me's picture

and it's meaning have gone down the memory hole. Along with democracy, crime, liberal, free markets, justice, and peace. These words don't mean the same thing anymore. Bastiat wrote about the "perversion of Law". It's perverse to see these words different than their original intent. A crime used to mean "an act harmful to another". Democracy meant everyone's vote mattered. Liberal meant "an individual that believed in liberty". Free Markets were just that, free. Free from the burden of outside extortion. The "Free Market" gets blamed for hardships that were the results of central planning and socialism. I believe the hardships come from a lack of "Free Markets".

"I smoke out of spite" - Bill Hicks

The Pen's picture

Let me say it again: Unelectable!

Patriots Unite!

herbrp's picture

and you can add idiot, sociopath, arrogant bastard and any other repulsive title you can imagine