Are you custom or standard?

Isabella sj Mon, 02/15/2016 - 08:59

Are you equal or unequal?

I rather be custom and unequal. Because I am Specially made. I am ONE of a kind. I don't want to be an equal to a man fer sure. Glad to be old enough not be drafted to kill with a lic. called war.

Yaron Brook visits FMSF - "Why inequality is good for the individual"

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I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.
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The guy was pretty good until about the 1 hr and 10 min mark - yup, I listened that long - where he shows just how big a neo-con he really is. He claims the US had nothing to do with the war currently raging in Syria and that because Bashir's father was a 'brutal dictator' - trying to rid the country of the Muslim Bro-hood - the country is basically getting what it deserves.
Well if what's happening to Syria is a sin of the 'father', what the heck will America be in for for all of its 'father's' (refer to just about every president)
sins? What a jerk he ended up being. I couldn't listen passed 1hr14min mark.

Laugh. It makes you feel good.