Care To Explain This Facebook?

StandUp4Liberty Wed, 03/21/2018 - 22:59

The clip is pre-set to begin at 18:55, and runs 2 minutes from there. Former Obama campaign director Carol Davidsen explains what happened with Facebook and why it’s unfair to Republicans.

In a Sunday tweet thread, Davidsen revealed Facebook saw what the Obama campaign was doing with data and decided to let it happen because of politics. “They came to office in the days following the 2012 election and were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side,” Davidsen tweeted.

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"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."