Rand Paul Suspends His Campaign.

free_your_mind Wed, 02/03/2016 - 08:05

Just saw this via C-Span.  I am so disappointed and shocked that I can't even think right now.

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pawnstorm12's picture

I have no candidate now. 

Cruz is a lying hypocrite war mongering Arab hater and God help us if either him or Rubio wins the presidency. 

"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxed and over-regulated and overrun by bureaucrats - the founders would be ashamed." -Ron Paul

Promisekept's picture

Cashing in on this reality check doesn't have to be hopeless as it might seem. It might even help many of us focus better on where our real power comes from, and where it all will end.

Rand's role in this race, and in the Senate, has been to draw in the only constitutionally-conscientious supporters the GOP has been able to appeal to. Without Rand Paul in the race, either Trump has to try and step-up, and to try and win them over; or watch these vital folks simply take their good will, and work ethic, elsewhere.

Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. ― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law

free_your_mind's picture

there is nothing left to fight for because, Pawnstorm12, you are so very correct that Cruz is a major neocon and liar who will use any tactic in order to get votes.  Rubio is another major necon who continues to beat the clueless GOP voters over their stupid heads that there's a terrorist hiding under every single bed or just around the corner waiting to kill them.  You can throw fat boy Christie in there, too.

Not to mention that neither Cruz or Rubio are actually QUALIFIED to become our next president!  

Another fat head, Glenn Beck, doesn't give a crap about his boy Canadian Ted crapping all over our Constitution.  Beck, the guy who started the 912 Project back in 2009 and who has droned on and on since then about how it's SO IMPORTANT to uphold our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  

Make no mistake, Beck's intensive stumping for Canadian Ted in Iowa took votes away from Rand.  I'd love to rip him a new one if he would actually take anyone's call who dares to disagree with him.  What a fool I was to even think that he would support Rand in the end but I so wanted to believe that he had finally seen the light of Liberty.   

Beck, and all the other media whores, Limbaugh, etc., should be arrested and tried for treason against our Constitution and Bill of Rights... against the People of the United States of America for either spreading propaganda, obfuscation, or downright omission of important information.  All of these media whore tactics are designed to strip us of our freedoms and keep the true of heart and promoters of LIBERTY down.   


bmd's picture

I just saw it on Zero Hedge a minute ago.

I didn't expect it this early but it doesn't really surprise me. He is probably sick of fighting the MSM lies and slight of hand that continue to give false impressions to the public.  You can't win against that.

