Concealed Permit Holder Who Shot Alleged Carjacker: ‘He Should Learn His Lesson’

JD Tue, 12/12/2017 - 06:52

The concealed carry permit holder who shot one of two alleged carjackers on Saturday said the wounded suspect “should learn his lesson.”
The incident occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana.

According to The Advocate, 63-year-old Bernie Sideboard was in a car when two armed, masked men approached and allegedly demanded the vehicle. Sideboard is a concealed carry permit holder and he pulled his gun and shot one suspect, 17-year-old Andrew Spikes, during the alleged crime.

Spikes was able to flee the scene along with the second suspect, 21-year-old Jonah Marco. But Spikes was later arrested when he showed up at a hospital to get treatment for a gunshot wound to the stomach.

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