
Intended to Inform

Reality Check: McAfee Claims FBI wants to end all encryption

VR Wed, 02/24/2016 - 23:05

Ben Swann talks with John McAfee about what the FBI demand for an Apple iOS "backdoor" actually means for cybersecurity

Ron Paul: I wouldn't support Trump as GOP nominee

ecard71 Wed, 02/24/2016 - 19:20

Three-time candidate for president Ron Paul said Wednesday he does not like any of the remaining GOP candidates in the 2016 race, and would not support Donald Trump if he were to win the Republican nomination.

Trump has been able to tap into the anger and fear of a large "minority" of voters, Paul told CNBC's "Squawk Box." He said the billionaire businessman acts like he has all the answers but "zero" realistic solutions to the problems facing the nation.

AP Reporting Trump win in Nevada 42%

BaneMaler Tue, 02/23/2016 - 23:28

Rubio is still besting Cruz 24%-21%
Carson 10%
Kasich 3%

Before Rise as Outsider, Ted Cruz Played Inside Role in 2000 Recount

GBAmerica Tue, 02/23/2016 - 19:23

Before the Rise as Outsider, Ted Cruz Played Inside Role in 2000 Recount

In late November 2000, with senior aides to George W. Bush holed up in Tallahassee, Fla., navigating the thickets of election law, a 29-year-old domestic policy adviser named Ted Cruz was given a humbling task: Walk a stack of papers to Federal District Court.

Ron Paul: America's Most Dangerous Nazi

bort Tue, 02/23/2016 - 17:38

I searched Amazon for "Ron Paul" and was surprised (though I guess not really) to find that some fool created a book called "Ron Paul: America's Most Dangerous Nazi". I love reading the reviews though as 94% of them are 1*.

Oregon Update from the Oregonian

Isabella sj Mon, 02/22/2016 - 07:44

Obviously manipulation to punish the people for standing up to oppression. TIME is a tool of the machine.

Observations on the Syrian Civil War theater of operations.

Kelldor Mon, 02/22/2016 - 02:07

In recent weeks I have been watching and paying close attention to events in the Syrian Civil War theater of operations. To say it is "complex" is a complete and total understatement doing it an injustice to say the least. You should probably be subscribing to the YouTube channels: The Next News Network, and South Front.

Good News: NATO has basically told Turkey to stop provoking Russia. This is a very positive sign.


Life imitating Art.

ecard71 Sun, 02/21/2016 - 13:12

In 2005, Mike Judge's comedy "Idiocracy" depicted a future America ruled by trash culture and a blowhard celebrity president. Sound familiar?

Simple Janet Lost in Keynesian Puzzle Palace - David Stockman

VR Sun, 02/21/2016 - 10:47

"All she does is talk about incoming trivia that have been repeated month after month to absolutely no avail. Or she references a simple-minded bathtub model of a closed U.S. economy—one later contradicted by extended jawing about headwinds from China, global oil and commodity prices and shrinking U.S. exports." Closed - A Look Into Our Near Future

VR Sun, 02/21/2016 - 10:15

Governments will no longer tolerate disagreement

Liberty is triumphant. Remember that.

Isabella sj Sun, 02/21/2016 - 09:10

While we are changing everything stays the same. Good always teaches all that is bad that it is being watch and to shape up.

"In the spring of 1842 Thomas Wilson Dorr led an abortive revolt against the Charter government of Rhode Island, attempting to force liberalization of suffrage and reapportionment of legislative representation. The rebellion failed, and Dorr was convicted of treason"

Sounds familiar? Hammonds, Finicum and the Bundys.

Are there any friends

Isabella sj Sun, 02/21/2016 - 09:03

that live in NY here? There's a very interesting article I found from 1933. This article cannot be taken out of the Library for use only there. It is non circulating. Could we get a copy?

History repeats itself until we learn the lesson.
