Webb Attacks Clinton With Eye on Independent Run

Ron Aldof Sun, 12/27/2015 - 16:15

When Jim Webb quit the Democratic presidential race on Oct. 20 amid low poll numbers and a minimal debate presence, the former Virginia senator left open the possibility he'd return for a White House run in a different political guise. Now he appears to be edging closer to making good on it. 

On Saturday morning, Webb used Twitter and his Facebook page to attack Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton for her handling of Libya during her time as secretary of state. @JimWebbUSA


Hillary Clinton’s failed vision in Libya & the Arab Spring are foreign policy leadership at its worst. https://www.facebook.com/IHeardMyCountryCalling/photos/a.240139606175966.1073741828.232634213593172/421407398049185/?type=3 …


"Our next commander in chief must define a strategic vision for the country and accept accountability for past actions. Hillary Clinton should be called to account for her inept leadership that brought about the chaos in Libya, and the power vacuums that resulted in the rest of the region. She’ll need better answers than the recent nonsensical comment that she advocated taking out Muammar Qadaffi in Libya in order to avert a situation like Syria. The predictable chaos in Libya was bad enough, but it also helped bring about the disaster in Syria. Who is taking her to task for this?" http://read.bi/1SbMG7h


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