Sen. Rand Paul - Meet the Press (1/3/16)

johncarter44 Sun, 01/03/2016 - 14:06

Dr. Paul discusses his presidential campaign going forward into Iowa and New Hampshire for 2016.

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"I bow my head to the beauty of music, the Blues carry my soul." - Johncarter44
Isabella sj's picture

I have never received a call to poll me on my political opinions and I'm 60. These politicos hire the hungry and the unemployed to blog, twit and fakebook by the thousands. It's all a working machine to go along with the media buys. Period.

I am convinced that, the octopus is well oiled to sit the next king or queen as they see fit. We MUST for the sake of this country and world PEACE unseat this diabolic octopus. There's millions dying because WE the American people have NOT done our job to defend and protect our Constitution, our bill of rights and World PEACE.

For those that pride themselves to honor our troops I beg you. DO honor our troops by demanding they be brought home as they are working for the corporate machine NOT defending the American people.

The only candidate that defends the USA constitution and the American way of life is RAND PAUL. There is NO question. So, let's keep our oath vote Rand Paul.


I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.

Donald Trump's picture
Ryan_76's picture

I wish he would have called out Cruz for jumping on the Audit the Fed band wagon and bringing it up during the debate like it was his idea, when it is Rand's bill and Ron's legacy. Rand's most recent article shows Cruz's previous positions were pro Fed manipulation. He could have used that as a way to inform the public of the Jan 12 vote on his bill in the Senate. Otherwise, he did fine. They never really want to know his policy positions, they just want to know when he is dropping out. 

AKA Sunshine_State at Popular Liberty

If you can't trust people with freedom, how can you trust people with power?

Ron Aldof's picture

Lookin a little tired there, must have had a wild weekend.

What the heck ask him the issues, not about other freakin candidates!

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.