Evangelicals are leaving the GOP

Joeinmo Sun, 12/27/2015 - 18:16

Rev. Graham (son of Billy Graham) has just left the GOP and millions are set to follow.



I knew this would happen after they let planned parenthood stay funded

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Freedom Express's picture

have been a great thing had it occured much earlier in the game, but it's all part of the agenda by the World Zionist Bankster Cabal to fracture the GOP and keep their establishment corporatist duopoly in control.

They are playing all avenues to make sure they get their Corporatist GOP candidate nominated? People will automatically think this will benefit Trump, but Trump has a large support base by the evangelicals as stated by David Broady who covers Christian news, if there is a massive withdrawal it will effect him, too. It will, however, effect Cruz and Paul the most in the primaries and benefit establishment  Bush and Rubio.

The evangelicals Judas apostate ministry are controlled by the 501c3 tax exemption agreement. The majority of them illegally take millions of tax free dollars, and as long as they follow the agenda scripted for them, they can keep their racketeering of wealth schemes. If they refuse, they will all be quickly arrested and charged with tax evasion and RICO. The game is rigged at all directions and until people wake break the 'mind kontrol' by the deceiver's of lies and propaganda they will only hasten their own demise.


BaneMaler's picture

Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family is endorsing Ted Cruz in Iowa. As well as Vander Plaats of family leader who also is giving his endorsement to Ted Cruz. So in a way the beat goes on I'm not sure what to do about Christians who support genocide in Middle East. But it was good to hear about this over the weekend from Franklin Graham. Franklin seems a little more principal than some of his counterparts he also pulled money out of Wells Fargo after it was discovered they help to fund Planned Parenthood.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

Ron Paul Support's picture

It seen to me that most a then support Neo-Con Reps or Dems. Alot then need to read Ephesians 5 because the way they vote it show me that they don't have the Spirit of Truth. Its more like the Spirit of Error when the Evangelicals support Mr. Cruz. and Its sad when this so call bible experts have the Spirit of Error and proof is in the pudding.


bort's picture



From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not effected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.



ecard71's picture

1.) Graham stated, "Our nation is in trouble, it's in a mess" (sounds just like Trump)

2.) Graham's claiming that "it didn't seem like anybody tried to fight it" (Planned Parenthood).  Greta then stated some Republicans were upset, Graham snickering, simply stated "maybe some" in effect completely dismissing the fact that Rand led that charge along with Cruz & Rubio, leading them to do the debate from DC via satellite. I guess that, or THEY didn't matter.

I wouldn't be surprised if he supports Trump on an independent run.


ecard71's picture
Franklin Graham agrees with Donald Trump that all Muslims should be banned from entering the United States.

In remarks posted on his Facebook page, Rev. Graham argued that Trump was advocating for something "similar" to what he has been proposing for some time.

"For some time I have been saying that Muslim immigration into the United States should be stopped until we can properly vet them or until the war with Islam is over," wrote Graham.

"Donald J. Trump has been criticized by some for saying something similar. The new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said yesterday that he disagrees — saying that 'such views are not what this party stands for and more importantly it's not what this country stands for.' Politicians in Washington seem to be totally disconnected with reality."

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/franklin-graham-trump-muslim-ban-15220...


So is it me, or does Frankie actually look kind of EVIL in that picture?


mwstroberg's picture

But, I find it interesting that he described the "War on Terror" as a "War Against Islam." A statement like that would make ISIS folks immensely happy.


Denise B.'s picture

staying home and becoming disengaged with the political process does not accomplish one single thing, nor does it further the right to life cause one single bit!  In fact, it does just the opposite!  There is a presidential candidate who is an open Christian and very much pro-life and a true conservative.  I find it so discouraging that for the past three elections, Christians have had the opportunity to support and get behind a true Christian conservative (twice Ron and now Rand) and they refuse to unite and get behind these people!  Failing to do so does absolutely nothing but insure that we get more of the same and things will continue to get worse and worse!  The Christian voting block consists of millions of people...the kind of numbers that influence elections!  Shame on Christians who bury their heads in the sand rather than work hard to get the few candidates out there who are professing Christians who not only talk the talk but walk the walk.  We shall reap what we sow (or never gather what we are too lazy to plant.)

And I do not believe for one second that Mr. Graham isn't aware of Rand Paul (or Ron for that matter!).  I suppose he feels Christians will be better off with a President Clinton who would gladly strip Christians of their 1st Amendment rights if given the opportunity!  Maybe he feels it is somehow better if Christians have to face fines or even imprisonment for preaching God's Word.  That makes sense!?? 

As soon as Christians decided they no longer needed to be "the salt of the earth" as Christ commanded, it has been nothing but a freefall into tyranny!  We were never commanded to separate ourselves from politics for obvious reasons....then we are forced to live under the authority of those who hate e everything we stand for!  And that is exactly where we find ourselves standing today!  With all due respect, Mr. Graham, I couldn't disagree more with what you're advocating!  When God is gracious enough to provide a principled, believing candidate, you thank Him for His mercy and work your tail off to get him in office! 


HVACTech's picture

there is NOTHING hotter than a bona- fide LIBERTY babe!




ecard71's picture

these so-called Christians and evangelical "leaders" on their hypocrisy as Jesus did and call a spade a spade.

Ron didn't speak much on his faith because he felt it was personal and didn't want to mix it in with politics. I respect him for that, but realistically, he could have had a lot more votes. I see Rand following in those same footsteps as his dad. That being said, I would not hold it against him, and wish he would embrace his faith a little more publicly, specially when speaking on foreign policy. The truth needs to be said, and a lot of these so-called "Christians" need to look at themselves in the mirror.


BaneMaler's picture

Essentially calling out Christians that have join the war party. I encourage people to share that article titled Blessed are the Peacemakers, with all their friends of faith. I agree Ron never really went after Christians but I think this is potentially one of the great things this campaign can really focus on.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

Denise B.'s picture

had a public profession of his faith in Christ on his website and never hid his beliefs and Rand just posted a beautiful article "Blessed are the Peacemakers" also publicly sharing his beliefs.  Both of them were/are open and honest about their beliefs, but don't cross the line into demagoguery (like others I could name), which I think is appropriate for a person running for an office which represents many people with many different beliefs.  I believe a person running for office should never be afraid to be open about their beliefs, but also not give the impression that they want to use their position to force their beliefs upon others.  I think both Ron and Rand walk that line well and I'm ok with that and don't find anything wrong with that approach.  Any Christian who is paying attention could easily ascertain that both men are Christians (in both word and deed) and should support them.  I agree, I find it very disturbing that so few Christians in positions of authority encourage their flock to get engaged in the political process and by all means support other Christians who are seeking office! What a big difference it could make if they did!  What Franklin Graham is advocating, to me, does far more harm than good.... really very discouraging to me :/


ecard71's picture

Neither Ron nor Rand hides it. But they certainly don't go around flaunting it for votes like Cruz does. It seems so fake to me when Cruz does it. Carson on the other hand, when mentioning God and/or religion, does come off fairly genuine to me.

I did see that article by Rand. But I still think Rand needs to incorporate those beliefs more when speaking to people whether in person or on TV during a debate with the objective not so much as being, "Hey, look at me, I'm a Christian!", but more along the lines of getting people to question themselves and their conscious, and maybe, just maybe, sparking some epiphanies along the way. I remember it not working with Ron at the debate in SC when he mentioned the Golden Rule. But I think he should have called them out and even chastised them for it. It would have garnered heavy publicity - both good and bad - but at the very least, it definitely would have woken up some of these "Christians" as to their hypocritical ways. Unfortunately Ron was too much classy and too much of a gentleman to take it further.


Libera_me's picture

to even care (must less act on ideas) about the Constitutionality of 501c4 organizations use of taxpayer funds. The Hyde Amendment is a farce. The funds donated by our 'government' are fungible, Planned (un)Parenthood  uses them as they will.


I hope they would see that it is time for a third party, or a real choice. If Phyllis Schafly weren't so enamored with the illegal alien position of the 'Trumpet', maybe she could. After all, she once wrote a book, Not A Choice But AN Echo, about the RNC's choice to railroad Goldwater. The Donald is at least as big a threat to our rights as any Democrat, especially given his position on eminent domain.

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9

Denise B.'s picture

That is the big question that remains unclear.  My fear is that his statements will encourage Christians to leave and end up nowhere, but completely disengaged.  That would be a terrible scenario!  I am not at all against the idea of Christians uniting and forming a new independent party who supports other Christians that actually take their oaths of office seriously, but somehow I didn't get that Mr. Graham was going to actually set about getting that done.... I suppose I could be wrong about that.  But I do know that we currently have a pro-life professing Christian running for office and I don't understand why he wouldn't advocate Christians supporting that man (Rand) until this new independent party he's speaking of can be established.  We all know how long it takes and how hard it is to get a new independent party established and viable (the LP comes immediately to mind), so why not advocate supporting the most conservative pro-life person right now who already has a ground game established??? I just don't understand why that thought wouldn't occur to him??


Libera_me's picture

has always had some connection with the members in power in both parties, and they have not declared any preference, in keeping with their 501c3 Status. I've complained about this before, but one of the things that stinks about 501c3 status is that it puts the fear of 'Government' into the church and silences what should be it's prophetic voice. Frankly, Chuck Balwin has it right on 501c3 status, and most of the 'televangelists', including Franklin, are wrong. The other difficulty is that they can side with a party, or speak on issues, but many are for their own brand of 'statism'.  (immigration comes to mind first, but drug prohibition and other issues are issues, too)  This is why some are aligning with Trump, and why they would not align for Paul.

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9

Denise B.'s picture

agree!  Love Chuck Baldwin and really wished more Christians would listen to what he's been saying for years now! :)


Joeinmo's picture

and with the likes of talk radio pushing fakes like former Bush guy Ted Cruz you really can't blame them.  The media make the Paul's out to be non-Christians, they really don't know.  They see Huckabee the preacher on Fox who is a complete fraud yet back him or Cruz


ecard71's picture

because judging from his actions and speech, he's not a "real" Christian. I believe Frank's agendas and priorities lie elsewhere than with God.


Ryan_76's picture

Care more about the power and control of the Church than the actual teachings of Jesus.  If you take all the candidates positions and compare them to what Jesus advocated, Rand is the only one who even comes close to advocating what Jesus taught.  I have learned that the just because people label themselves Christian, doesn't mean they believe in the true teachings.  The church hijacked the teachings for their own agenda.  Now it is about fear and dogma, not peace, tolerance and love.  Pro life is also anti war. 

AKA Sunshine_State at Popular Liberty

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