Donald Trump, December 21st 2015, Grand Rapids, Michigan

zooamerica Tue, 12/29/2015 - 19:25

"Putin likes me, I want her (Angela Merkel) to like me to."

"Wouldn't it be nice if we could get along..."

"It would be so great if we could get Russia on our side...."


These are all direct quotes from the Donald within the first 6 minutes of the video posted above.

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that Donald Trump is doing his best to make peace through business with Russia, not war?








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Never be afraid to ask simple questions.
TheTaoistTroll's picture

I will not vote for an establishment puppet. Hillary, Jeb, Rubio, and Christy are the known puppets. I would vote for Donald or Bernie over a puppet. We can do better; his name is Rand.

Puppet vs puppet? That is where we don't have any choice.

As it regard to the post subject matter. Donald is a brilliant player. Don't know where he stands. The real Trump or that fictitious Trump. 



Those who are; are those whom are not.

Danton's picture

...and am somewhat supportive of Trump.

Now before you get all excited about that consider this:
Many of us were somewhat aghast at Rand's positions and newly found "friends" after the 2012 elections.
We attempted to "cut him some slack" with the supposed conjecture that he was just "playing possum" within the GOP, and was only doing it to get into a position of "electability".
It became obvious that this "secretive strategy" just wasn't working....the GOP was "playing" Rand, and would never "let" him become the nominee.
On the other hand:
Trump's candidacy represents ONE THING.
It represents the disapproval of ALL that our government has been "getting away with".
It represents the desire of most people to tear apart this corrupt system that has been carrying on unchecked for so long.
If anyone has a chance to push the "reset button", well it seems Trump is "the man".
We cut Rand some slack on his actions/words.
Perhaps the same should apply to Trump, who certainly "seems" to have a "shot" at winning.
Playing to the crowd perhaps?
And considering the blatant fraud perpetrated in just the primaries against Ron Paul.....?
...I seriously doubt that the GOP will allow Trump to succeed....The GOP wants another Bush.
And I no longer believe in the validity of elections.....Hillary or Jeb are the ones that the "election-masters" want.
I'd gamble on Trump to "savage" Hillary onstage verbally....not sure Rand could do it.
Anyone but Hillary or Jeb is my sentiment.


ecard71's picture

feel that Trump is trying to destroy Liberty and what it stands for?

Here are some of the things that Trump, and apparently his supporters, support:

2nd Amendment Limits.
The Patriot Act.
Internet Censoring.
Whistle Blower Assassinations Without a Trial.
Eminent Domain.
The Censoring of the Press.
The Discrimination against an Entire Religion.
Trump called for American Boots on the ground in the Middle East AGAIN - that is until he was almost booed off the stage earlier this year at CPAC.
If this is what Trump supports and stands for, can anyone tell me how Trump supports & furthers the cause of Liberty? Worse yet, how can anyone that claims to support liberty, support an authoritarian like this?


Danton's picture spiralling downward, out of control.

The lobbyists have corrupted our entire government.

Although I truly had hoped for Rand?.....Its all too far gone.

"The Donald" is the Anti-Lobby, the Anti-Hillary, the  antidote against these political "dynasties".

Not another Bush...Not another Clinton.....PUHHLLLEEEEEZE!

THEN..perhaps we can "reset" the system.
