ATTN goldenequity, Kathleen Gee - if you're around

enemyofthestate1776 Fri, 12/25/2015 - 04:24

Please get in touch.


Before the site went down, I managed to download and stitch together the WWIII thread into one giant html file. Reply here, and I can the file put up somewhere for download for you. I won't post it anywhere myself, as it is your work, so hopefully we can meet up here or somewhere else.

Kathleen Gee:

I'm not sure whether you were able to retrieve your posts and comments with the program I posted; if not, get in touch and I can get them to you, too.

Note to all: I also managed to download the Alternative Cancer treatments thread. 

(I have no idea what the outlook for PL and DP are; they may be archived so this may not matter, but I managed to get these anyway, so they are safe)

What is the category of this post? (choose up to 2): 
enemyofthestate1776's picture
About the author
"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry
The Pen's picture

for many to see and many more to use. Say what you mean to say, if you come by it now and is vital to your integrity. And integrity is an important, if not vital aspect of a presidential candidate, right?

Patriots Unite!

Ron Aldof's picture

I don't think Kathleen has ventured to this site yet, last time we talked she said she hasn't and woud when she gets a chance.

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.

ecard71's picture

As for Kathleen, last I checked, she tried, but was unable to. You can reach her through here:

If you don't have FB, let me know how she can contact you and I'll gladly relay the message.


Now where can I get a copy of that cancer thread? Thanks.