Thank you stone tear. Hillary's pyramid comes down. No immunity.

Isabella sj Fri, 09/23/2016 - 10:42

Gone with the wind. Violating an order not to destroy. Did the FBI conduct a real investigation? GAB Deletions. If this video is real, there's got to be surveillance of the reddit account. Wonder who would be doing such activity. Enemies and friends from within.....

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Isabella sj's picture
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I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.
Ron Aldof's picture

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.

freedom bee's picture

Burn the Mother Down! Yes!!!

Isabella sj's picture

What we have learned in this election is that it is all about $. The constant request for donations baffles me. When inflation is so high, the economy is so fragile every penny counts for survival. Going to casinos/elections and betting on probabilities of what card or dice/candidate makes you a winner knowing that casinos/elections are rigged I choose buying some tomatoes, spinach, kale steaks, eggs and shrimps instead. Oh, forgot deposits of veggie seeds in seed bank.

Been analyzing what DT is doing and posting some encouraging words here and there. I cannot stand that woman or what's left of her. This constant campaign using minorities as tools, the feminist, "homophobic". blah, blah, blah thing is repulsive.

This campaign process feels like the high school clicks of bullies. The word, gossip/media "polize" is intolerable. DT showing off, is a slap in the face to DEMS and I like that. He is just using "show of force" technique by numbers. Question is. Is it going to work? Ron Paul's popularity and the amount of people that went to his rallies looked like DT's today and look what happened. This time around these elections are bully against mafia/contract sniper bully.

The Paul Doctors are not in that category and I don't think they will ever go there. Just like the majority of USA citizens. We don't like force or showing off. We just want to live and let live. I pray that if DT wins we have peace here and abroad. This country has been poisoned, abused and dismembered since the first Bush got to the oval office and that's ENOUGH.

I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.