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"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington"– Ron Paul


tpreitzel's picture

Agreed... as the shutdown is a monumental failure if retaining our humanity while minimizing the loss of life is the metric. Unfortunately, using mortality rate as the sole metric will always lead to failure. What's the purpose of living if our humanity is stripped from us in the process of minimizing the loss of life? Sweden has the right approach, but watch the wackos in the media point the finger as the number of cases mount. Actually, a country should ENCOURAGE total infection of its population while minimizing the loss of life and preserving the humanity of its people. Mass infection leads to a mass immune response for those living and  will thereby minimize the mortality rate in the process. The key is allowing people their natural right to protect themselves in a controlled environment of their choosing, e.g. natural supplementation to boost the immune system at a place of their selection. Hospitals are notoriously poor places for healing. Although any loss of life is tragic, a mortality rate of under 10% isn't even worthy of attention by the state. Let the people heal themselves in a controlled environment of their selection or die. Eveyone except the irresponsible and those people already near death lives in dignity and humanity.