Facebook? ......

learnfromfounders Tue, 10/16/2018 - 17:26

Never subscribed to it ....Never will......

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Facebook can do anything they like on their private turf. We may not like the one-sided propaganda, but it's private property and turf. Notice erratic Alex Jones pushing a new version of "Net Neutrality" the other day while his interviewee recommended regulating "social" media as a utility. Wow! I sense the beginning of the end of any sort of freedom and anonymity on the Spynet so people should prepare now to abandon it entirely. Wean yourself slowly if necessary, but start now. You have the right attitude. Just don't use "social" media even IF compelled to engage them on THEIR turf. Other avenues exit, even on the Spynet for awhile longer, to promote liberty's message. I'd also recommend that people continue to keep Infowars afloat while forming other alliances of freedom-loving people to largely replace Mr. Jones in due time. By replacement, I mean relegate Alex Jones's WWF-style political hyperbole to a position of irrelevance while keeping him on the air as a thorn in the side of the "globalists" as he loves to phrase it.